
Hats Off...

I'm not really into hats on girls, I just can't pull it off. But, I ssooo love it when lady's wear hats at places like the horse races, Easter brunch, or a gala like this. Why wasn't I invited to hang with all these wasp-y ladies in Central Park!?

These are some of my favorite hats there...

Classic B&W

Happy yellow:)

This is totally a hat for a wedding!

I think this one is so glamorous and elegant!


Shanel said...

So, my parents have a Kentucy Derby party every year. This year my cool Mom bought stuff for the ladies to decorate their Derby hat. We had a blast...we should have a hat party!

carly k said...

That is BRILLIANT!!! I love that idea! Let's totally do it!

Your mom is the kewlest!!

Emily said...

can't wait to see us all in hats as part of the RED HATS!!! :)